Siemens SOMATOM Emotion

Call us at 440-893-9999
100% Guaranteed, Certified Equipment, FDA Registered

The most popular CT in the world

Ultra Fast Ceramic Detector – exceptional image detail at minimum dose

As the leading innovator for high-end CT systems, Siemens continually pushes CT technology beyond generally accepted technical boundaries of previous CT generations. One example of this innovation is our leading Ultra Fast Ceramic (UFC)™ Detector. The UFC detector included with the SOMATOM Emotion is identical to the material and technology that underpins the quality of our super high-end system, the SOMATOM Definition Flash. UFC detector material is designed to deliver exceptional images while maintaining minimum dose and is a key factor in the image quality you can expect of all Siemens SOMATOM CT systems.

See the small diagnostic detail
Having the industry’s leading detector material is only one important step towards perfection in image detail. Siemens take this leadership further with the SOMATOM Emotion family of CT systems by offering the segment leading 1476 active effective detector channels. With the smallest focal spot size in its class and fine detector collimation of 6 x 0.5 mm and 16 x 0.6 mm, the SOMATOM Emotion family of scanners provides the clarity and sharpness you require for accurate diagnoses.

High speed without compromises

Perfection in image detail is further underpinned with Siemens’ proprietary
SureView™ concept, a dedicated spiral image reconstruction algorithm that
makes challenging long scans routine. High speed without compromises

Perfection in Image Detail
From the very beginning of CT technology, image quality has been the first priority. This is still true today and was a constant focus during development of the new SOMATOM Emotion 6- and 16-slice CT systems. This focus, along with over three decades of CT experience, is clearly demonstrated in every image from the SOMATOM Emotion. Perfection in image detail is achieved through a superbly designed imaging chain that precisely balances the tube, detector and supporting electronic technologies, and the compact system geometry for constant, optimal
image detail. The unsurpassed image quality is one of the key reasons that makes the SOMATOM Emotion the world’s most popular CT system.

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We have service and repair available for Siemens SOMATOM Emotion.

Name of the Manufacturer: Siemens


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