The power of us
CapMed+ is a team of well-seasoned industry experts, business-model innovators whose sole mission is to provide an equipment company that will bring benefit to hospitals and the diagnostic imaging equipment industry.
Financial Team – Our financial management team is comprised of equipment finance experts bringing experience in the world of customizing equipment finance packages. Our funding prowess is derived from 2+ decades of creating, investing and funding various entities in the equipment and health care industries.
Equipment Team – The equipment salesforce is comprised of top-performing talent from major OEMs and dealers both domestically and internationally. This unique pool of talent yields unparalleled value both in the world of selling equipment as well as locating and purchasing equipment.
Service Team – The equipment service team is comprised of OEM service pioneers who have many years of experience designing, creating and repairing all modalities of diagnostic imaging equipment. We utilize a state-of-the-art ISO9001 global repair depot located in Central United States.